Reading a file in C#
March 30, 2017
Below is a simple program in C# that reads a file and outputs the longest word in it. Enjoy!
using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace <yourNS> { class FilesNDirs { public static void Main(string[] argvs) { var path = @"C:\Users\deepesh\Desktop\Test\test.txt"; var textFile = File.ReadAllText(path); var words = textFile.Split(' '); var wordlenpt = new string[100]; var wordlenarr = new List<int>(); foreach (var i in words) { if (i.Length > 0) { wordlenarr.Add(i.Length); wordlenpt[i.Length] = i; Console.WriteLine(i); } } wordlenarr.Sort(); foreach (var i in wordlenarr) { Console.WriteLine(i); } Console.WriteLine("\n\nLargest word in the file is >>" +
wordlenpt[wordlenarr[wordlenarr.Count - 1]]); } } }