Simple Stop Watch implementation in C#
March 30, 2017
Below is a simple stop watch implemented in C#, enjoy!StopWatch
using System; namespace StopWatchApp { public class StopWatch { public DateTime StarTime { get; set; } public DateTime StopTime { get; set; } public string ClockState { get; set; } public void StartClock() { if(this.ClockState == "started") throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid Operation"); this.StarTime = DateTime.Now; this.ClockState = "started"; } public void StopClock() { this.StopTime = DateTime.Now; this.ClockState = "stopped"; } public TimeSpan ElapsedTime() { return this.StopTime - this.StarTime; } } }
Main Program
using System; namespace StopWatchApp { public class Program { public static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Enter Start to Start the Clock,
Enter Stop to Stop the Clock to see the elapsed time.
Enter Quit to exit."); var clock = new StopWatch(); int alreadystarted = 0; while (true) { var inp = Console.ReadLine(); if (inp != "Quit") { if (inp == "Start" && alreadystarted == 0) { clock.StartClock(); Console.WriteLine("\n\nClock started at -----{0}",
clock.StarTime); alreadystarted = 1; continue; } if (inp == "Stop" && alreadystarted == 1) { clock.StopClock(); Console.WriteLine("\n\nClock stopped at -----{0}",
clock.StopTime); Console.WriteLine("\n\n+++++++Elapsed Time is >> {0}",
clock.ElapsedTime()); Console.WriteLine("\n\nPlay again! Enter Start
to begin--\n\n"); alreadystarted = 0; continue; } else { Console.WriteLine("Not a valid input!"); continue; } } else { break; } } } } }