Constructors & Destructors in C++
Constructor and Destructor functions are used in a class so as to automatically perform certain operations when an object of that class type is created and destroyed.
void Stack: Stack(){
stktop = 0;
Stack: ~ Stack();
For example, the constructor function named Stack() could be used to automatically initialize stktop = 0 when objects stack1 and stack2 are first executed. Similarly the destructor function ~Stack() may be used to automatically deallocate memory space if necessary, all without extra coding in the main function.
Parameterized Constructors in C++
Constructors are functions with the class name and are used to initialize the members of the object when it is created. Now C++ provides easier way to initialize objects using parameterized constructors. The advantage is that we could avoid more than one function calls to initialize many variables of an object.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class sum{
int a,b;
sum(int i, int j){ a=i; b=j; }
int get_sum(){ return (a+b); }
sum s(2,3); //a & b initialized
cout << s.get_sum();
return 0;
Execution of Constructors and Destructors
Constructors are called in the order of declaration of objects and destructors aer called in the reverse order of the declaration of objects.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class myclass{
int who;
myclass(int id);
}glob_ob1(1), glob_ob2(2);
myclass::myclass(int id){
cout << "initializing " <<id<<"\n";
who = id;
cout << "destructing " <<who<<"\n";
myclass local_ob1(3);
myclass local_ob2(4);
return 0;
initializing 1
initializing 2
initializing 3
initializing 4
destructing 4
destructing 3
destructing 2
destructing 1