Does making documents accessible over the web eliminate the need for printing documents?
The core idea of this article is to comtemplate on a most commonly discussed topic – Does making documents accessible over the web eliminate the...
Assess Barnes and Noble’s response to the substitution threat from Amazon. How did Amazon respond in turn, and to what net effect?
Barnes and Noble’s Response: Barnes and Noble had started studying online business during late 1994. It was not in response of’s going online that...
Traditional bookselling and Online bookselling – Comparing a customer’s willingness-to-pay
Traditional book selling and Online book selling – Comparing a customer’s willingness-to-pay for books supplied in these two business models. (i.e. Do they expect to...
Separation of Stores and Online Operations for Barnes and Nobles
Separation of Stores and Online Operations for Barnes and Nobles: Was this a good idea?? What was its intent and did it work?? The case...
The Price Cut in Was this a good idea? What was its intent and did it work??
Price cuts are market strategies that companies introduce when they enter into competition. Barnes and Noble’s and’s case was no different. As seen from...
Amazon Vs Barnes and Nobles – How both companies differ in online book selling business
Since 2000, the competition between and has become intense with the entrance of competitors such as Borders and Books-A-Million Inc. Currently, as per...